Sunday, June 21, 2020

Solar Eclipse Poem, 6.21.20

The marriage of the sun and moon
is brief, but that glimpse offers a sign
of eternal hope, a manifestation of 
alignment beyond a symbol - 
Sun, Moon, and Earth,
rings of circular motion
and uneven time, equalized.
A boundless harmony without 
a mirrored face, just so.
A warmth around a spinning 
rock of dust; a marvelous transmutation. 

A drawing I made this morning inspired by the Solar Eclipse last night - probably will get this as a tattoo on my arm. I'll have the artist tidy my sketch up a bit. 
- F

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Poem No. 14: Ghosts

God your muscles must've ached
from all that walking. Sore feet 
that hurt to stand still on, picking 
them up so blood can flow. 

The good news -
we've met at the perfect
time, though tired, and the
journey behind us needs to
be remade because now
we have finally learned 
how to read. And this
monstrous grandness is
something I'm less
sickened by every day
and more appreciative of,
thanks to you, it is no longer
a stage, no longer performance 
because you saw it right 
the whole time and I was 
always looking back 
trying to see that passage too.

The difference now is this:
my eyes have become soft 
(like in that Yeats poem
When You Are Old) -
and a stroke of my heart is 
presently a flutter as a finger strokes a page - 

I've nothing else to say about this one
so I can allow myself to feel this, this fullness. 
I know what's coming... and I'm already looking away
but I'm ready, as always, to open the next one. 


Either they ate too much junk - spilled popcorn and Cheetos spilled over the abandoned alleyways - or instead consumed some sort of poison a...