Friday, April 13, 2018


One of my favorites of all the mythological creatures (such as the dragon or the sphinx) is the griffon. A mixture of lion and eagle - the body of a lion with the head, wings, and claws of an eagle, makes this creature one of the strangest - almost comical - looking creatures. Despite it being absurd to the point of comedy, if thought about longer, its strangeness is in its fierceness, power, and regality. A creature whose force is so strong could only be hurt as much as it inflicts. Griffons (griffin or gryphon, depending on context) are known protectors and guardians. My interest in this mythological creature came from reading a book titled Enigmas and Riddles in Literature by Eleanor Cook where this beautiful illustration graced the cover:

For two beasts to be put together so wrongly, as if irregular pieces fit together on a random collage, gives me pause.

- F

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