Monday, December 31, 2018

Knock Knock. Let The Devil In."

I recently saw this shared online from David Cronenberg's Scanners (which I have not seen yet but must. And will):

I've seen plenty of Cronenberg films which I adore. This one is particularly intriguing.

For now, what has had to suffice is the movie VENOM starring Tom Hardy, a movie from MARVEL/SONY - which I think taps into the hearing voices thing in a very, very amazingly fun and realistic way, giving the symptom (hearing voices) the cinematic and creative virtue it deserves. 

Sickness is like this. This split self - one barbarous and hungry and running on instinct. The other... weak, freaked out, unsure, paranoid...

In one part Eddie's girlfriend, after seeing him transform into the monster of Venom, says, "Eddie, you're sick, you're really sick." (And he is, Eddie has this parasite that talks to him and is stronger than he can imagine, this slimy powerful thing that controls him and his body, and finally becomes a part of him after he has been infected accidentally.) This is what Eddie says, "I'm scared. I'm just scared." This poor soul cannot control himself for this force has passed into him, a perfect match, and he has no clue what to make of it. 

And she replies, "You. You need to go to a hospital."

True enough. What I love about this movie is that the symbiote, the VENOM, finally becomes Eddie's friend, and Eddie's pure character actually changes this parasitic voice/embodiment for the good.

Too much to write now, already had two glasses of fabulous red wine with my husband. Which is the only reason I've watched this film by the way; I've watched every film in the DC and MARVEL universe. Every one. Because of him. But I wanted to leave a note to self: watch VENOM again, write about it, it'll help me understand a particular kind of sickness that I'm very sensitive to. 

For now I'll leave you with the movie's theme song, from who else but Eminem, a guilty pleasure, I don't care.

Also, happy new year. Cheers to 2019.

- F

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