Friday, January 4, 2019

These are ugly times (or something like that).

Cultural detritus: Examples.


The regurgitation of what has been said too much or too little to the masses, signifying the fact that whoever's advice this was in the initial circumstance does not matter one whit, nor does context. In any case, it works, but it's purely momentum, like shoving petroleum or hydrocarbon down your car's throat, nowhere to go and no passengers. Worse, you're not entirely sure you're awake enough drive.  And the second, when things get so bad you have to reminded by another unnamed entity of good things, sunsets and tea, or the fact you have hair, or that sweaters are comfortable. Worse again, these things do not exist out of their own rhetorical ideologies, the first Christian (arguably) and the second "American", only because it the form in which both are iterated here - and they pose as if they are universal. Speedy conclusion: we hate our parents or we have bad parents. 


Fairly harmless advertising for what no longer needs advertising: a typical list featuring exactly what you'd expect. Not to say that those aren't great books, but more information needs to be added here, who are the readers, what does classic mean, how are "classics" different from the canon, what is the Western canon, what is "literary" as opposed to what is not. The problem is that this doesn't say much at all, except, I bet you like lists, here's one.


Because Ariana Grande is the new Britney Spears of our current era, and she's just flooding all the feeds, her dogs, her relationships, her songs that are way, way, way too catchy, her awful clothes that are way, way, way too cute. There is nothing I can grasp here that isn't pure sugar, more like amphetamine, along with the come down and addiction. Also, she wrote a song that made being a slut  seem really, really cool, and I am in awe of those who may argue for feminist undertones:



Ugly, uglier, ugliest. Yes, indeed, these are truly ugly times. Snapchat filters are the worst, we all want to look like we have piles of makeup on and ears of some kind, some underlying longing for cuteness and missing the point. The animal has teeth, claws, and does not care about what it looks like, it does not care for anything more than shelter and safety and killing whoever gets in the way, with no concern for what we call cute or kind or nice or sparkly. One thing that we might share is a bit of play, a bit of fun. That's me, by the way. In any case, it's hideous all the same. 

These are all things which should be understood as diversions, distractions. The sickening excess of it all is that is it regurgitated, over and over again, piling up like detritus, or kipple, a rubbish heap of images and words that come to mean nothing yet give us an injection like heroin that only lasts a few minutes, urging us to continue mindlessly towards death. The subsequent anxiety encroaches, always, worse each time.

So I'll stop here. A resolution for more meaningful, authentic, honest, and intentional input and output from here on out. 

- F

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