Sunday, January 27, 2019

Three Projects of Differing Natures (Part 2)

In a previous post I outlined three projects I'm interested in delving further into. The first, mental illness, is slowly underway, and will take the form of a long form essay. The second, researching the Philippines and Filipino culture, is something I've decided to put on hold. Not because I will not be studying it, but because I have no desire to turn that into an actual project. I am currently a member of the Asian American & Pacific Islander Committee at the Chicago Public Library and have decided to put forth efforts into organization, initiation, and promotion of programs and materials, but as of right now, I cannot go further than that - my interest in the subject is far too disorganized and personally muddy to even contemplate any sort of authentic production. The third project, on fairy-tales and folklore, is also ongoing and will not culminate into any specific project at the moment.

A recapitulation of projects happening simultaneously and currently:

1. Mental Illness (as stated earlier, this is be a completed essay - using Scanners, Donnie Darko, and Venom as great artistic examples of film that represent symptoms of psychosis)

2. In progress CPL blog posts to be published:
  a. - on Musicians and Musicianship in Literature - which will include five novels that I will read in full, that I will review in my usual way and post here, and finally write the final annotations to be posted publicly here
b. - on the television show Twin Peaks, which will follow the same process as the first (a.)
 c. - on Cats, which will follow the same process as the first (a.)

3. Philosophy/Critical Theory, because it is necessary that I continue to follow this path that I started so very long ago. Short-term goal: the completion of reading a few necessary books that I purchased a while ago, and written reviews of these books that will be shared with all of you.

Side projects/goals/resolutions:

1. practice the piano and share with friends/fam/co-workers and whoever, video recordings for new pieces to be posted on this blog

2. learn how to make a good dip for crackers and pretzels and share with friends/fam/co-workers and whoever

3. continue to practice mediation, and try for every day or every night

- F

P.S. I found this on The New Inquiry's instagram, and I have to hand it to them. I'm more fascinated by their instagram posts than the actual periodical at the moment, so I will follow. 

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