Friday, April 3, 2020

An English Honeymoon: Day IX

On the ninth day of our stay in England, we went on a search for Petersham Nurseries, a place that I had read about in a beauty magazine describing it as one of the most romantic places to go. We found out that it was located near Kew Gardens, so we followed almost the same route. Upon exiting the bus, we soon became somewhat lost. We walked in what was clearly a very wealthy neighborhood and as we kept walking, we almost felt like we were encroaching on private property. We kept on until a couple, driving a very expensive car, stopped, looked at us, and asked, "Where are you two going?" 

"We're trying to find Petersham Nurseries," I said. "Do you know where it is?"

"Never heard of it," they both said, looking at us curiously. Then they drove away.

I don't have the inclination that they were lying at all. I really do believe they didn't know where it was. It was hidden... we had to walk down narrow sidewalks with both sides covered in high brick walls in order to find it. Luckily, and unluckily (Dan was covered in seat), it was a hot, bright, and sunny day. There were flowers and greenery galore, with bird song in full force. Shadows from the wind-swung branches played on all surfaces and it felt like a wondrous maze. 

Finally we found the entrance. We were a little surprised at first that it was, in fact, a store. Delightfully rustic items were displayed on sandy gravel, mostly all handmade. It was a gorgeous open boutique. Though I was enthralled, Dan wasn't. It seemed he felt a little trepidation about prices and such. But, for a little while, he walked with me, looking at things. 

Admittedly, I did feel a bit of a Restoration Hardware vibe to it, the furniture nicely "weathered" and "worn", but something kept me from being too judgmental. Quaintness, perhaps, a rural feel without pretension. Notably, a lot of French people were employed there (at least my ears told me so). 

Past the store area was a kitchen, a couple super fancy restaurants! and then an outdoors area to sit and eat. This made Dan really happy, as he was thirsty and wanting to relax. We got some food (made exactly on location), I got the best rose I ever had (also made exactly on location) and we found a shady spot under a large umbrella to sit and drink and eat while people and dog watching. It was glorious. 

After eating, I wanted to explore the actual nurseries. Dan didn't, not in a begrudging way, but he wanted to sit still under the shade. So I left him there. I whisked myself away, letting myself bask in the scent of heady smelling plants, letting my skin soak the heat of the sun, letting it warm my arms and face... I marveled in all the colors as the rose sunk and slipped into my bloodstream, making me woozy in the best way. This time I made sure to drink enough water...

There was one gated area I desperately wanted to sneak into. 

I didn't... but I collected Dan and we left before I had to chance to buy more trinkets (one is a beautiful flower pressed between a two pieces of hexagon-shaped glass... I cherish it). We were feeling high from the weather and the drinks, so while we walked back towards the bus stop we decided to enter Richmond Park, a public park in Surrey... it felt massive... we were surrounded in green, I ran and sang and spun around. The clouds were perfectly poofy and the sky ever so blue, blue, blue. I sped up a hill and found smooth trees with gnarly branches twisting higher and higher, reaching.

Dan found a family of beautiful deer. We both sat on two different trees and watched.

I took a selfie from where I looked on.

We made our way out, got on the bus, and made it safely back to Kensington. It was just about dinnertime and we were hungry, so we tried out another pub a couple of blocks away from our hotel called the Hayden. Only a couple people were in there, one man grunting while reading the news and drinking beer... and the beer looked so, so, so good and cold and delicious, so Dan ordered one. I asked for gin and tonic, cold and delightful. We ordered burgers and just... sat, enjoying the fact that we knew that we wouldn't be rushed out. 

Afterwards we headed back to the hotel, got distracted, picked up some really bad liquor from a corner store, and then relaxed in the hotel room. I don't think we made it to 9 pm before we were both fast asleep.

It had been another good day.

- F

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