Saturday, July 4, 2020

Poem No.15: For The Record

What a perfect letter for what's already a shitty day!

It pains me to think that you might consider the only evils worth distancing yourself from are those of what people decide to wear, those adorning their architecture, those displaying their religion, which all seems pretty much the same to me. 

I've had this recurring dream (over now I hope), of climbing up these concrete slabs of stone towards a grotesque altar owned by priests. The altar is so ugly that it is as soon seen as mentally blocked, and in the dream I run so far away, down all the stone steps. Once I'm far enough away, into a town square or something like it, I am already awake. 

My opinion may not matter one whit to you, but I'll say this for myself: a family that uses the word capitalism casually, with or without a smattering of bile, is a family I'd prefer not to meet, just the same for the other side of the spectrum.

Anyway, I'm glad you had a great time. Truly. Personally, I'm looking forward to movies that shatter, after finishing your missives. 

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